Post by r_dWhy the need for vegetarianism?
People make different choices about lifestyle, and I respect the
different choices. Some vegetarians are becoming more and more
fundamentalistic in their zealousness, often showing very little
tolerance for non-vegetarians, as if the issue of diet is so obvious
and clear cut that there is no room for differing views. In their zeal,
they can become extremely arrogant.
This may not fairly describe your views, RD. You seem like a tolerant
I don't want to get into a raging debate about diet, but there is
growing evidence the ancient paleolithic diet of our ancestors may be
the best diet for health. Lean meats, vegetables, and fruits, and small
amounts of nuts and seeds, were the mainstays of ancient people who
were hunter gatherers. These people were born eating such diets, and
there were no priests or diet gurus informing them on dietary theories,
rather, they simply ate what they were instinctually attracted to eat.
Observe birds, rabbits, deer and other animals, and notice the lack of
any books on diet in their midsts to explain proper eating habits. They
know what to eat without need for such instruction. The paleolithic
diet is the only diet that is not artificially conceived as a concept.
There is disagreement among researchers about meat being harmful. For
our ancestors in the paleolithic era, lean meat in the form of wild
game was a staple food, as were vegetables and fruits. Grains, dairy,
and legumes were rarely used. There is evidence that these humans were
relatively free of the 'diseases of civilization.' They often died
younger, but this was more due to trauma and infection, not
debilitating diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc., which
are diseases that have all been on the rise in our times. Meat,
especially in the form of wild game, has much to offer in nutrients,
such as B vitamins, esp, B!2, protein, and omega 3 fatty acids.
Post by r_d-It's Economical
The modern diet is making people sick, which is not at all economical.
Post by r_d-It's Ecological
Agriculture has been devastating to the environment. The clearing away
of natural habitats of wild animals to make room for growing crops has
done great harm to animal species around the world.
Post by r_d-It's Compassionate
Alan Watts once asked a Buddhist monk why he was vegetarian, since
plants are thought by many to have consciousness and feel pain, and the
monk replied, "yes, but they don't scream as loud."
What is compassion? There is an order to the chaos of the universe, and
within that order, humans have been eating meat for about three million
years of evolution. To live within one's evolutionary design is not a
sin. Most birds, many insects, and a multitude of other species have
evolved as carniverous animals. Even some plants are carniverous. Is
the design of nature so flawed that we should fight it? Should all
species stop consuming other species? If all animals that eat other
animals were to stop, ecosystems within which the animals live would
likely perish. Is that compassion?
Another view is to simply respect the cosmic design for what it is: It
is always changing, morphing, creating life, destroying life. Stars are
formed, stars die out. Entire solar systems dissappear in a flash. That
is the Dao. It is the Way of things. Do you suggest fighting this?
Fighting it simply doesn't work, in the long run. It is better to
understand the way of things, then flow with that way. Is it more noble
to work against the way, or flow with the way?
Post by r_d-It's Peaceful
It isn't at all peaceful to destroy habitats for crops. With the advent
of agriculture and civilization, life has not been very peaceful on
this planet for humans. Ancient meat-eating hunter-gatherers did not
have the technology to wage war on the scale we have today. What is
peace? Living in harmony with our own evolution, or fighting it and
suffering the consequences?
Post by r_d-To diminish the real threat of a worldwide pandemic from bird flu,
There have always been viruses and bacteria that prey upon us. They,
too, could be said to be carniverous. This is the way things are. Get
rid of one, and another pops up in its place.
Post by r_d-To avoid the danger of mad cow disease (BSE) and pig disease (PMWS), etc.
Mad Cow Disease is thought by many to have resulted from feeding
animals the wrong diet. This is what happens when a species is fed a
diet that is not compatible with the evolutionary design of that
Post by r_d-To stop the continuing gruesome sacrifice of billions of our sweet
domestic animals, marine life and feathered friends.
Everything in the universe experiences birth and death. Humans are prey
to animals as well (bacteria, viruses) and that is natural. It keeps
our immune systems strong to fight off a virus now and then. It is all
about maintaining balance in the ecosystem. Life is all about balance.
Artificially change things too much, and imblance results.
Post by r_dNo one needs to eat meat. Even dogs can be healthy vegetarians, living long
and enjoying life. This is not an embellishment!
Many dogs and cats become ill on a vegetarian diet. Diabetes, obesity
and arthritis are examples of such illnesses.
Post by r_dSome people are concerned that vegetable protein is not a sufficient source
for their diet.
Plant protein isn't sufficient. There is no protein as biologically
available for humans as animal protein.
I was vegetarian/vegan for years, since the age of 14, and I can't tell
you how much better I feel now that I eat a paleolithic diet of lean,
healthy meat, along with plenty of fruit and vegetables. As a health
professional, I can easily report that most vegetarians I've treated
have signs of deficiencies. They are often tired, pale, and are weaker
than others. In Chinese Medicine, the deficiency would be termed Qi and
Blood deficiency.
It is interesting that Chinese Medicine does not generally advocate
vegetarianism. Animal protein is considered in that tradition to be
very nutritional. Meat is thought to build Qi and Blood. Tofu, on the
other hand, is considered to have a Cold energy, which is undesireable
for some persons. The Chinese view tofu as a poor persons food choice.
Of course, some Chinese doctors have adopted vegetarianism, but this
attitude is not at all reflected in the ancient literature that Chinese
Medicine is based upon.
However many simple foods provide more than enough for
Post by r_danyone.
*Protein Concentration*
-Tofu (from Soya): 16%
-Gluten (from flour): 17%
-Corn: 30%
-Rice: 8.5%
-Soy beans, kidney beans, chick peas, lentils, etc.: 10-35%
-Almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazel nuts, pine nuts, etc.: 14-30%
-Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.: 18-24%
-Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and
contain high-quality fiber for maintaining good health and a long life.
-Concentrated multi-vitamin tablets/capsules are also a good source of
vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
I am a vegetarian and have been for many years. I take no supplements and
lead a full existence. My weight has not changed and I am fully of energy
and life. I have known many people, vegetarian from birth, the same.
*For more information go to?*